One of my goals this week is to get back into soaking my grains before using them in baked goods, or using my sourdough starter to make something. Then, I found this supposedly super simple sourdough English muffins.
They were easy to make. The batter makes up 8 muffins. It’s mixed the night before and then needs only one rising the following day before cooking the muffins on a griddle. I fit six on my griddle.
The final product looked just like a whole wheat English muffin from Trader Joe’s and tasted just as good. Since this was my first batch, I discovered a little late that I needed to turn the heat down a bit on the griddle to cook the inside better. I ended up putting these in the oven, while I was baking a pound cake, for five minutes, though ten would have been better.
Even though these are a sourdough batter, the taste was very mild. I have no doubt that my kids will like these.
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